The Institute of law and justice in Arab societies

Access to justice in Egypt

Mohamed. M. Youssef,

Chief judge, member of the Technical Office, Court of Cassation “Supreme Court of Egypt”.

Courtroom Judge, Court of 1st instance, Civil & Criminal divisions. (October 2007 – September 2011).

Assistant Prosecutor, the Public Prosecution Bureau. (March 2001 – September 2007).

Master of Laws in International and Comparative Law (LL.M), Indiana University, Robert H. McKinney School of Law, 2010.

Ex-senior member of the International & Cultural Cooperation Department, Egyptian Ministry of Justice. (November 2010 – September 2016).

“Project Manager” of the “Support for Modernization of Administration of Justice”, a project funded by the European Union to enhance the capabilities of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) key departments, as well as developing the capacities of courts’ professionals and promoting the quality of Justice service delivery.. (October 2014 – September 2016).

Scholar in Residence, Law Library of Congress, Washington D.C., April 20, 2017 – May 25, 2017.

Visiting Foreign Judicial Fellow, Federal Judicial Center, Washington D.C., February 3, 2017 – May 19, 2017.

Representative of the Egyptian Ministry of Justice in the 11th session of the Regulatory Policy Committee, OECD, Paris, France 3-4 November 2014.

Member of a 3-member group negotiated and concluded, on behalf of the Egyptian Ministry of Justice, “Financing Agreement – Support for Modernization of Administration of Justice” with the EU Delegation.

Negotiated, drafted and concluded with American Bar Association “ABA” a “concept note” on “Strengthening the Capacity of the Judiciary of Egypt”, and “Project coordinator” of the implementing project, January 2013 – September 2016.

Representative of the Egyptian Ministry of Justice, in the EUROMED Justice III project, “Criminal Law” & “Access to Justice and Legal Aid”, (WG1, Rome, 21-24 February, London, November 12-14, 2014, & Sophia, Bulgaria 9-11 April, 2013).

Participant in “International Visitor Leadership Program” (IVLP) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State “Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice”, United States, April 30 – May 18, 2012.